The Top Ten Ways You Know You Are A Preemie Parent

When you become the parent of a preemie, life as you know it is no more. You find yourself knowing, doing and participating in activities you’d never imagine! Sometimes your friends and family may look at you like you are crazy, but that is because preemie parents have a language and culture all our own. There are a plethora of things uniquely preemie. Here are ten of them. The top ten ways you know you are a preemie parent! Are there any I missed? Please be sure to leave a comment with your additions to the list! I will take the ten best submissions for round two.

The Top Ten Ways You Know You Are A Preemie Parent

10. You keep hand sanitizer…EVERYWHERE.

9. You know what RSV, BPD, CLD, and PDA mean.

8. You have a bunch of baby clothes you are saving to give away to someone, but they can only fit on a baby doll.

7. Your Facebook page is filled with quotes and statuses that show you’ve recently been through a major life changing experience, and you have.

6. When your baby does something new, the first person you want to call is….their NICU nurse.

5. While your baby sleeps, you constantly check to make sure he or she is still breathing.

4. You have a bunch of congratulations cards with the word miracle in it.

3. Whenever you hand your baby to someone the look on their face says, “Are you sure?”

2. When someone coughs near you or your baby you want to put the smack down on them.

1. Every now and then you burst out in tears of joy, for your baby is a blessing and when they were born today felt so far away! God bless you moms and dads for you know the joy that comes with the glory of God, He saved our babies! Amen!

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